Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take Your Office Out of the Office

With the abundance of electronic gadgetry doing my work for me these days, I occasionally feel like I am not even needed, except to carry it all around. Sometimes the only thing keeping me at my desk is a feeling of guilt that, if I am not there, I am not 'working'. Fear not, I can overcome this quickly.

As the warmer weather arrives, I am already plotting my escape to a place I like to refer to as my 'waterfront office property'. Before you imagine my Ferrari being valet parked at a high glass tower overlooking crystal blue Caribbean waters, think again.
I will be pulling my Honda Civic in the visitors lot, paying a small fee and walking to the boardwalk at the edge of Lake Champlain in Burlington VT. No fancy-schmancy mahogany office furniture here, it has been replaced by a porch swing nestled in the shade. The patter of footsteps are not those of my co-workers, but of by people walking their dogs, bikes, children, etc.

My favorite conference call last Summer was interrupted by a client asking 'what the noise was' in the background. was a duck, who was apparently very intersted in the granola bar perched atop my briefcase. He paced back and forth, squawking louder than the Aflac duck in desperation (he didn't get any).

I once spent 20 minutes wathcing a dog swimming after sticks in the water, refusing his owner's orders to 'come in, we have to leave!". Big smiles all around.

How about you? Can you break the bonds and take your office 'out of the office'? Is there a special place you enjoy, where you can set up shop for the day? It's a feeling that cannot be beat, whether it's in your back yard, at the beach or the top of a mountain.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary.Count to 10.Pull the Ripcord

Ran into an old friend this week. We worked together in the middle-years of my radio career, in the late 1990's. He's one of the good guys.

As we exchanged hearty handshakes and smiles, he told me he had recently celebrated his 25th anniversary at the radio station. Not 25 years in radio, but 25 years at the For those not familiar with the industry, to accomplish this carries the same probability as being struck by lightning, while being bitten by a shark, on the same day you win the lottery.

He explained that, the day after his anniversary, he walked into work and looked around with a realization: he was just not 'fired up' about being there anymore. While he was very successful, the flame of passion for his job had been reduced to fading embers.

In his early 50's, with a secure job (as secure as a job can be in the radio industry anyway), he decided to give his notice and make a change.

Something different. Something better. Something to re-ignite his passion.

He visited the boss's office and shared his decision. He was asked what his plan was. There wasn't one. He was encouraged to go back to his office and think it over. He did, then returned to the boss's office. Same decision.

With the love and support of his family, a few weeks later he packed up his office, shook hands all around and walked away from the place that had been his work life until that moment.

Where many would have panicked: he lived, he breathed, he dreamed, he loved.

As he handed me his new business card, he smiled. He is now the Vice-President of a major-league local advertising agency.

I asked him if he is happy.

He is.

We should all be this happy

Paul, I am very proud of you.

Best wishes for continued success, my friend!

A note to you, the reader: How happy are you at your current career? Is it merely 'paying the bills', or are you genuinely passionate? If not, what would you rather be doing, if money were no object? Is there a chance to begin making that activity part of your life, even in a small way? No need to quit your current job to make a jump, but you can taste the juice of life today, and savor the flavor. It could be the best decision of your you let it.

More to come in a future blog. Please return soon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Please Do NOT Feed the Bears!

As I scanned the news this morning, a favorite Jim Croce lyric ran through my thoughts:

"You don't tug on Superman's cape,
you don't spit into the wind,
you don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger,
and you don't mess around with Jim"

Sadly, Jim Croce left us in 1973. However, if he was still with us, I am willing to bet he'd be chuckling over breakfast as he pondered inserting the words 'polar' and 'bear' in tonight's rendition.

For those who have sworn off reading the news, let me share the story's timeline:

1) woman goes to Berlin Zoo with husband and child
2) it's feeding time for the polar bears, oh boy!
3) woman climbs fence and dives into polar bear enclosure
4) remember item 2? YouTube, here we come!
5) bear begins feeding on woman, biting her several times
6) onlookers toss a rope and create a Polar Bear Pinata before getting her out

I have only one major lesson to share today: there are some places we just do not belong. Here are a few of those places: under giant beehives, on dark street corners in high-crime neighborhoods, and in polar bear enclosures. Society, nature and sign-makers have a way of letting us know.

Like a child's hand on a hot stove, I am willing to bet this woman will remember the pain and not try this action again. She is very lucky to have a second chance.

As you make your way through the world today, please be conscious of all signs warning you of potential dangers, and heed them.

In this case, there was a sign and a series of fences which were blatantly ignored.

I am not sure if the bear's name was Jim, but I think (and hope) this woman learned not to mess around with him.